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JESDUVROQ can change your Hgb level—with a convenient pill.

If you’ve been receiving dialysis for at least 4 months, you and your doctor have a needle-free option to treat and manage your Anemia of CKD. JESDUVROQ offers similar changes to Hgb as the current standard of care ESA* and does it with a once-daily pill.

Your results may vary.

*Compared to epoetin alfa or darbepoetin alfa, depending on type of dialysis.

JESDUVROQ was studied in Anemia of CKD patients with a variety of medical conditions, including diabetes and controlled hypertension (high blood pressure).

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JESDUVROQ was studied in a large clinical trial including nearly 3,000 adults.

The trial assessed the efficacy and safety of JESDUVROQ.

The patient population was diverse and included a variety of ages and different groups:

  • 57% male and 43% female
  • Average age was 57 years
  • 67% Caucasian, 16% Black, 12% Asian
  • 89% hemodialysis and 11% peritoneal dialysis

JESDUVROQ was compared to the current standard of care ESA* to understand the change in Hgb during the evaluation period of Weeks 28 to 52 and incidence of serious cardiovascular events.

Patients in both treatment groups were dosed to achieve and/or maintain target Hgb levels of 10-11 g/dL.

*Compared to epoetin alfa or darbepoetin alfa, depending on type of dialysis.

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JESDUVROQ is proven to change hemoglobin (Hgb) for dialysis patients.

JESDUVROQ was as effective as an erythropoiesis stimulating agent (ESA), a current injectable treatment, in changing Hgb levels. Based on the clinical study, JESDUVROQ was comparable to the current standard of care in raising and maintaining Hgb levels.

Your results may vary.

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JESDUVROQ had a similar incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events (death, heart attack, and stroke) as an ESA.

In a clinical study, the cardiovascular safety of JESDUVROQ was compared to the current standard of care ESA, based on the first major adverse cardiovascular event (MACE), such as death, heart attack, or stroke.

Additional questions you may have about JESDUVROQ.

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  • How many patients' Hgb responded to treatment with JESDUVROQ?

    73% of patients using JESDUVROQ responded and maintained their Hgb levels within the analysis range† during the evaluation period.

    Based on the limits of the analysis, the results are descriptive. Your results may vary.

    †Patients were dosed to achieve or maintain target Hgb levels of 10-11 g/dL. Analysis range (10-11.5 g/dL) is an extension of the target range to allow for variability.

  • Does it matter how fast Hgb levels increase?

    Yes, if your Hgb goes up too quickly, it could lead to serious health problems. 4% of patients taking JESDUVROQ saw a rapid increase during the first 4 weeks of the study.‡

    Based on the limits of the analysis, the results are descriptive. Your results may vary.

    ‡Rapid increase is defined as an increase of more than 2g per deciliter during a 4-week period.

  • Will blood transfusions be needed?

    While sometimes necessary to treat Anemia of CKD, getting a blood transfusion might reduce your chances of qualifying for a kidney transplant.

    When taking JESDUVROQ, you may be able to reduce or avoid the need for blood transfusions. In the study, approximately 16% of patients on JESDUVROQ needed a blood transfusion.

    Based on the limits of the analysis, the results are descriptive. Your results may vary.

    JESDUVROQ should not be used in place of emergency treatment for anemia.

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JESDUVROQ offers a different treatment option.